iHERITAGE project partner in Egypt, the Confederation of Egyptian European Business Associations – CEEBA is seeking the services of a Marketing and Video Production Agency to produce a 360° Video Trailer of at least one tangible and/or intangible cultural heritage in Egypt.
One of the activities foreseen for the iHERITAGE project includes the production of appealing 360° videos to be uploaded on the AR/VR web platform to be developed by the project, as well as on different social media platforms. The 360° video will mainly be used for promotional purposes, with special regard to Social Media allowing to organize social marketing and advertising initiatives. The videos will be produced in compliance with the ENI CBC MED visibility and communication guidelines.
Up for the job? Find out more about the scope of work and perquisites of the task, here: 360 Video_Terms of Reference
Hurry up and send your applications latest by the 23rd of July at 12 PM (Cairo Time) through email to info@ceeba.org!
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