CEEBA is involved as a contractor in several of EU business support projects. It is the first partner to be solicited to conduct business meetings with EC commissioners, as well as with EU heads of states and cabinet members and the B2B activities for escorting business delegations.
CEEBA is the recognized partner of Eurochambres and has been a major actor of EUROMED Invest and other MEDA 1, MEDA 2 and ENI projects.
CEEBA closely works with all Egyptian stake-holders such as Egyptian Business Associations (Federation of Egyptian Chambers of Commerce, Federation of Egyptian Industries etc.) and the diverse ministries in a series of projects and initiatives as well as the EU delegation to Egypt, local authorities, public sector, donors, academia, international organizations, investment authorities, NGOs, business associations, large enterprises, SMEs, federations and chambers.
CEEBA is also part of the MedAlliance consortium, a Euro-Mediterranean network representing the private sector and organisations supporting the economic development of the region, including Euro-Med networks of investment and economic development agencies (ANIMA Investment Network, leader of the project), Euro-Med networks of Chambers of Commerce and Industry (ASCAME, EUROCHAMBRES, GACIC), business federations (BUSINESSMED) as well as SME promotion agencies (EMDC Foundation, EABC). The German-Arab is also ISO 9001 certified.
Through CEEBA’s close cooperation with the Federation of Egyptian Chambers (FEDCOC), Federation of Egyptian Industries (FEI), Federation of Tourism Chambers (FTC), and Association of Mediterranean Chambers (ASCAME), geographic, thematic and overseas support shall be provided and linkage with larger enterprises through our Angeling and Plato initiatives

Selected reference list
Project: | ENPI CBC Projects |
Objectives & results:
| Participation in 4 ENPI CBC Projects (FOSTEr, GMI, MedDiet, Sustexnet) as partner from Egypt and leading different work packages like communication and visibility (GMI, SUSTEXNET) as well as actively contributing to all other Work packages. The actions include developing communication plans, marketing plans for all partners. Preparing visibility items (FOSTEr), press articles, creating project websites (SUSTEXNET), maintaining facebook sites. Awareness raising is one of the main activities in GMI that promotes recycling in schools and MedDiet that fosters the MedDiet to consumers and especially school children. The awareness campaigns include developing contest for children linked to the project website (FOSTEr), organizing events with activities for the whole family accompanied with radio ad campaign, street sign campaign. |

Client: | Euromed Invest Programme |
Event: | MEDAFinance |
Date: | 10-11 April 2017 |
Objectives & results:
| The strong mobilisation from SME support organisations for the Invest in Med project may be explained notably by the scant information which these organisations, as well as the SMEs, have available in terms of lines of financing offered by international donors. MEDA Finance thus aims to identify the SME support tools and instruments available in the Mediterranean and present them in a study and during a conference which bring together beneficiaries and financiers. MEDA Finance represents a step among other studies and actions to improve information for businesses and enable new initiatives to emerge to facilitate the international development of Mediterranean SMEs. MEDAFinance 2014 witnessed more than 200 participants. |
Client: | Euromed Invest Programme |
Project: | EuroMed Regional Projects |
Objectives & results:
| Egyptian Partner (B2B, studies, conferences) iMeda Industry (Reshaping the post crises Mediterranean Industry -Egypt); PLATO (Mentorship programme for SME managers – Belgium); MEDA Renewables (Converting deserts to power houses – Egypt); Med-Energy (Development of renewable energy – Italy); Meda TEX (Sub-contracting Egypt’s garment industry- Egypt); Best Med (Tourism value-added niches in the Med – Italy); Furnish From Mashreq (Branding furniture industry-Egypt); Med Ports (creating port services clusters-Italy and Spain). 2015: Exporting Agro-Food Products To The European Union In April, Medfoodtech, Barcelona April 2015, Meditex Roadshow, November 2015 operators and technology providers from Italy and all around the Mediterranean to promote joint investments in the agrifood, transport and logistics sectors. |
Client: | Euromed Invest Programme |
Event: | Euro-Mediterranean, Egyptian Italian Agrifood, Logistics & Transport Conference and B2B |
Date: | 6-7 December 2014 |
Objectives & results:
| Mobilizing operators and technology providers from Italy and all around the Mediterranean to promote joint investments in the agrifood, transport and logistics sectors. During the event, businessmen, investors, policy makers as well as financial providers met to discuss business opportunities and mutual partnerships which resulted in over 50 business matchmaking. |
Client: | EU Delegation to Turkey in partnership with the Ministry of Economy of Turkey and the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) |
Event: | EU Turkey Global Bridge Building Initiative 2013 |
Date: | 26-27 May 2013 |
Objectives & results:
| The initiative aims at facilitating trade and investment partnerships between EU and Turkish companies as consortiums with Egyptian and Tunisian partners in by organizing four business matchmaking events in 2013 in Mersin and Anatalia (Turkey), Alexandria (Egypt) and Tunis (Tunis). |
Client: | Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Belgium and the East Flanders Chamber of Commerce |
Event: | Egyptian-Belgian Business Seminar & Matchmaking |
Date: | 9-11 November 2010 |
Objectives & results:
| A business delegation of 10 Belgian companies interested in doing business in Egypt. Over 60 meetings were organized with targeted companies/ organizations and institutions. |
Client: | Dutch FME-CWM association (Trade Association for Technology Industry) , the Dutch GMV association (The Dutch Manufacturers of Machinery for Food Processing and Packaging) and The Agency for International Business and Cooperation (EVD) |
Event: | Egyptian-Dutch Business Seminar & Matchmaking on Agriculture |
Date: | 1st of March 2010 |
Objectives & results:
| A delegation of nine Dutch companies looking for Egyptian counterparts to enter the local market. |
Client: | The Dutch FME-CWM association, the Agency for International Business and Cooperation (EVD) and the Egyptian-Dutch Business Club (EDBC) |
Event: | Egypt Netherlands Energy Forum |
Date: | 12th of April 2010 |
Objectives & results:
| The Seminar was followed by the Business Matchmaking with 16 Dutch companies that provided solutions for the power sector covering Engineering, Manufacturing, Maintenance & Consultancy Services for the power industry and included 140 meetings between the Dutch companies and their Egyptian counterparts. |
Client: | Slovenian Embassy in Egypt |
Event: | Slovenian- Egyptian Business Seminar & Match-making |
Date: | 15th of December 2009 |
Objectives & results:
| Slovenian Delegation headed by the Slovenian Prime Minister H.E. Mr. Borut Pahor visiting Egypt.Over 90 meetings were organized between the Slovenian companies and their Egyptian counterparts. |