iHERITAGE is an EU funded ENI CBC MED project that aims to advocate and increase the level of understanding of the joint Mediterranean UNESCO and intangible heritage. It will foster cross-border technological transfer, industry-academia collaboration, creation of Living Labs and spin offs as well as the development of new products for the improvement and enrichment of
By using Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR) and Mixed Reality (MR) and the latest available ICT technologies, iHERITAGE will be able to create an innovation-driven growth process for an extensive list of stakeholders and foster the active involvement of young people, females and those not in employment, education or training (NEETs) from 6 Mediterranean counties: Italy, Egypt, Spain, Jordan, Lebanon and Portugal.
The project runs for 30 months in which various activities and outputs will directly contribute to increased employment opportunities, support collaborations among universities and industry, support SMEs, start-ups and spin-offs. Training services will tackle skill mismatches in the work field. The general public will sense the valuable contribution of the EU funded project through visibly enhanced access to UNESCO cultural heritage on-and off-site, the establishment of the ‘Regional Centre for Safeguarding and Valorisation of Mediterranean Intangible Cultural Heritage (CRESPIEM)’, job opportunities, and cross-border ICT platforms.
CEEBA is among 10 organizations from 6 Mediterranean countries participating in the cross-border iHERITAGE project:
· Italy: Sicilian Region- Department of Tourism, Sport and Entertainment
· Italy: Circuit Castles and Medieval Villages
· Egypt: Confederation of Egyptian European Business Associations
· Spain: Association of Mediterranean Chambers of Commerce
· Jordan: Jordanian Society for Scientific Research, Entrepreneurship and Innovation
· Jordan: Department of Antiquities
· Lebanon: Lebanese American University
· Portugal: University of Algarve
· Spain: Public Foundation of the Andalusian Legacy
· Italy: University of Palermo – Department of Architecture
iHERITAGE has a total budget of 3.9 million euros and will be funded by up to a maximum of 90% through the “Mediterranean Sea Basin Programme” ENI CBC Med 2014-2020. The 2014-2020 ENI CBC Mediterranean Sea Basin Programme is a multilateral CrossBorder Cooperation (CBC) initiative funded by the European Neighbourhood Instrument (ENI). The Programme’s objective is to foster fair, equitable and sustainable economic, social, and territorial development, which may advance cross-border integration and valorize participating countries’ territories and values. The following 13 countries participate in the Programme: Cyprus, Egypt, France, Greece, Israel, Italy, Jordan, Lebanon, Malta, Palestine, Portugal, Spain, Tunisia. The Managing Authority (JMA) is the Autonomous Region of Sardinia (Italy). Official Programme languages are Arabic, English, and French.
For more information, please visit: ENI CBC MED | iHERITAGE