TECHLOG (Technological Transfer for Logistics Innovation in the Mediterranean area) is an EU funded ENI CBC MED strategic project intending to strengthen the research-and-industry ties by facilitating technology transfer. Its final objective is to contribute to the expansion and modernization of Mediterranean transportation economics.
Nine partners will collaborate to create a permanent EU-Med Cross-Border space, inspired by Open Innovation, where research organisations and (trans)port industries can co-create, test, and share new Technology Transfer Initiatives.
The project has a duration of 30 months, with a total budget of 3.4 million euros, of which 3.1 million euros is funded by the European Union (90%).
The project partners:
- University of Cagliari (Italy) as lead partner
- Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Crafts and Agriculture of Maremma and Tirreno (Italy)
- Arab Academy for Science, Technology, and Maritime Transport (Egypt)
- European School of Short Sea Shipping, EEIG (Spain)
- Confederation of Egyptian European Business Associations (Egypt)
- Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture of Beirut and Mount Lebanon (Lebanon)
- Federation of Egyptian Chambers of Commerce – Alexandria Chamber (Egypt)
- SFAX Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Tunisia)
- University of SFAX (Tunisia)
Website: TECHLOG | ENI CBC Med