EMPHASIS (Euro-Mediterranean Network Facilitating Market Uptake of SMEs Innovations) is an ENI CBC MED capitalization project that aims to co-create a Euro-Mediterranean Open Innovation (EUROMED OI) ecosystem that will facilitate knowledge flow across borders, transform it into marketable innovations, and support SMEs in their innovation capacity.
The project will expand on the findings of previous initiatives by identifying SMEs, assessing their requirements, and providing advisory services to help them improve their innovation capability and form collaborations. EMPHASIS will use the EUROMED OI platform to connect the region’s fragmented innovation systems by promoting cross-border knowledge flows and equipping SMEs with the skills they need to turn knowledge into value and identify topics that can become business prospects.
For the next two years, with a total budget of 818.689€, of which 90% is funded directly by the European Union through the ENI CBC MED Programme, six partners from six countries from Greece, Jordan, Spain, Lebanon, Egypt and Italy, will closely collaborate to support SMEs in the development of Open Innovation Joint Projects in the sustainable field.
Our project partners include:
- Knowledge and Innovation Consultants (Greece)
- Jordan University of Science and Technology (Jordan)
- Associations of the Mediterranean Chambers of Commerce and Industry (Spain)
- Industrial Research Institue (Lebanon)
- Confederation of Egyptian European Business Associations (Egypt)
- Science and Technology Park of Sicily (Italy)
Project website: EMPHASIS | ENI CBC Med