Egypt’s Projects Map

Egypt has seen significant changes in a variety of industries as a result of President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi’s vision and the present government’s efforts and growth strategy. The Egypt Projects Map website is an inventory of projects that were implemented, developed, or reworked during the era of President El-Sisi, in order to raise awareness and gather information about the Egyptian state’s projects and efforts all in one place and through and authorized and reliable source.

The path for Egypt’s future developments looks bright and promising, with over 2.500 pending and active projects in over 27 different categories. The map divides the Arab Republic of Egypt into four primary portions depending on their status (implemented – in progress – old and developed – future), as well as minor divisions based on their classification, such as (residential projects – industrial cities – development projects – electricity – etc.). Take a look and keep track of all development projects as well as map their locations, compare their goals and reach, and view socioeconomic indicators at a subnational level through the link below provided by the Egyptian government to assist locals, foreign investors, and individuals in following Egypt’s prosperous achievements.

Egypt’s Projects Map

The website also includes a dedicated platform for Egyptians to submit their own development ideas and suggestions, which will be reviewed by the relevant ministries and potentially implemented in real life.