EU-funded MedBEESinessHubs is seeking services to deliver a study

CEEBA is requesting the services to deliver a customised study and analysis of the current situation and the potential benefits of the economic exploitation of the honeybee handcraft business and the wider development of the bee-economy concept in Egypt, with a clear focus on Marsa Matruh, Al-Iskandanyah, Al Buhayrah, Kafr ash Shaykh, Ad Daqahliyah, Dumyat, Ash Sharquiyah, Al Isma’iliyah, Bur Sa’id.

Interested applicants must submit the following to

  • submit a proposal of no more than three pages responding to the needs of the project mentioned in the TOR, showing a clear understanding of the subject
  • Provide a list of previous similar assignments, preferably with examples or contact information for referees.
  • Propose a methodology and schedule for completing the task.
  • Provide a CV

You can find the TOR with more information here.