Med Pearls: Opportunities and prospects for ‘ICT powering Med Tourism’ presented at Cairo-ICT exhibition
Ceeba12021-12-09T12:07:51+00:00The Med Pearls project organized a unique BRIDGE event that brought together the tourism and ICT sectors in Alexandria and Cairo (Egypt) from 10 to 12 November 2021...
MEDWAYCAP – Mediterranean PathWAY for Innovation CAPitalisation Toward an Urban-rural Integrated Development of Non-conventional Water Resources
Ceeba12021-12-13T13:19:27+00:00MEDWAYCAP (Mediterranean pathWAY for innovation CAPitalisation toward an urban-rural integrated development of non-conventional water resources) is an EU...
OPPORTUNITY: iHERITAGE Egyptian Partner CEEBA looking to hire a Senior Technical Expert
admin2022-12-21T16:26:56+00:00iHERITAGE project partner, the Confederation of Egyptian European Business Associations - CEEBA, is looking to hire a Senior Technical Expert to support the project team in Egypt in reaching the objectives of the project.Among other things, the Senior Expert will be in charge of managing, planning, coordinating as well as monitoring the status of implementation...
INTECMED project launches the e-Bazaar platform
Ceeba12021-11-21T07:00:44+00:00CEEBA is pleased to announce the launch of INTECMED’ s e-Bazaar - an online platform where Mediterranean innovators (researchers and startups) can interact with investors, find talent, exchange ideas and access training and funding.The platform will work as the backbone of the innovation ecosystem, where it will provide easy access...
ICT Powering Med Tourism
Ceeba12021-10-31T10:51:41+00:00In the frame of the EU funded ENI CBC MED Project Med Pearls, the Alexandria Chamber of Commerce and CEEBA are organizing with their project partners from Spain, Italy, Greece, Palestine and Jordan the one-day conference “ICT Powering Med Tourism” at the CAIRO ICT Exhibition, exhibition Hall A, on the...
DG NEAR Commissioner Oliver Várhelyi meets with MedAlliance ASCAME President El Wakil, BusinessMed vice chairman Tarek Tawfik and CEEBA Secretary General and EBSOMED Chair Dr. Alaa Ezz
Ceeba12021-10-27T06:41:41+00:00Last night in Cairo, the Commissioner for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Olivér Várhelyi met with the leadership of the Med Alliance, ASCAME president Ahmed El Wakil, BusinessMed vice-chairman Tarek Tawfik and CEEBA Secretary-General and EBSOMED Chair Dr. Alaa Ezz, where the role of the MedAlliance in bridging the Mediterranean and its...
A High-Level Round Table on Maximizing Private Sector Engagement by blending Donors and DFI Finance
Ceeba12021-10-07T09:08:19+00:00In presence of Ministers of International Cooperation and Finance A High-Level Round Table bringing together the Vicepresident of CitiGroup, and all Donors and Development Banks, discussing Blending Donor and DFI Finance and Maximizing Private Sector Engagement with an Eye on Investing in AfricaMinister of International Cooperation Dr Rania Al Mashat organized...
ENI CBC MED Exhibition at Techne Summit Alexandria 2021
Ceeba12021-09-30T11:46:19+00:00The Confederation of Egyptian European Business Associations –CEEBA- in collaboration with the Alexandria Chamber of Commerce will be hosting an exhibition at this year’s Techne Summit Alexandria, in its 7th edition, from the 2nd to the 4th of October at the Bibliotheca Alexandrina. The exhibition will feature 9 EU-funded, ENI...