
Egypt’s Projects Map

Egypt has seen significant changes in a variety of industries as a result of President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi’s vision and the present government's efforts and growth strategy. The Egypt Projects Map website is an inventory of projects that were implemented, developed, or reworked during the era of President El-Sisi, in...

EU-funded CRE@CTIVE project seeking Technical Expert in the traditional sectors

The Confederation of Egyptian Business Association (CEEBA), in cooperation with the Alexandria Chamber of Commerce, is seeking the services of a technical expert to support the establishment of business labs and project activities for the traditional sectors of textile, leather and footwear in Egypt under the CRE@CTIVE project. Scope of work: ...

Med Pearls Project is looking for a Tourism Promotion and Commercialisation Expert

The Confederation of Egyptian European Business Associations (CEEBA), on behalf of the Med Pearls project, is seeking to hire an Expert in the Promotion and Commercialisation of Sustainable Tourism Products.The main objectives of the assignment are:Develop a comprehensive promotion and commercialisation tourism strategy with its implementation plan for the Med...

MedBEESinessHubs held its first kick-off meeting on the 5th of August

On the 5th of August, the MedBEESinessHubs project (Mediterranean Bee Hubs in support for sustainable economic prosperity in deprived rural areas) was launched by the lead partner, The Cyprus Chamber of Commerce and Industry from Cyprus, and the project partners from Egypt, Lebanon, Palestine and Italy.ENI CBC Med MedBEESinessHubs project...

Open call to create a pool of mentors in the field of sustainable/slow tourism product creation

The Med Pearls project, funded by the European Union under the ENI CBC Med Programme, has the goal to set up a network of 26 Slow Tourism products across 6 Mediterranean countries (Egypt, Greece, Italy, Jordan, Palestine and Spain). These products (also called ‘PEARLS’) will share similar characteristics, follow the...

MEDWAYCAP partners meet in Thessaloniki to discuss crucial definitions and strategies to reuse manage the non-conventional water

 In December 2021, MEDWAYCAP partners met in Thessaloniki to debate the different points of view to achieve common goals, to compare details about “definitions” (what we mean by non-conventional water?) but also to translate into words, commitment, needs and “call to action” for the stakeholders.Watch the video and discover what...

Med Pearls: 5 New Calls for Proposals for Slow Tourism Product Creation – Egypt, Italy, Palestine, Jordan & Greece

The Med Pearls project, funded by the European Union under the ENI CBC Med Programme, has the goal to set up a network of 26 Slow Tourism products across 6 Med countries (Egypt, Greece, Italy, Jordan, Palestine and Spain). These products (also called ‘PEARLS’) will share similar characteristics,...

Inside look into the Egyptian Textile, Leather and Footwear Market.

CEEBA conducted market research on the traditional sectors of textile, leather and footwear in Egypt within the framework of the ENI CBC Med programme's CRE@CTIVE Project. The study highlighted some of the sectors capacities, challenges, and potential areas for integrating innovation in the traditional sector of textile, footwear and leather. Some of...

INVESTMED Call for Trainees on Sustainable Business Management (SBM)

INVESTMED CAL FOR TRAINEES ON  SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS MANAGEMENT (SBM) The EU-funded INVESTMED project is launching its training programme on Sustainable Business Management (SBM), aiming to positively impact start-ups and Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in the green, blue and creative & cultural industries. The objective of the training is to enhance...


SOLE TO TACKLE ENERGY-EFFICIENCY IN BUILDINGS IN EGYPTSOLE is a strategic ENI CBC MED cross-border project, that aims to tackle common challenges caused by the increasing annual energy consumption and growing levels of CO2 emissions with a focus on the estate sector. Though the building sector consumes between 30 to...